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If you're looking to get into drone photography and videography, then you'll need DJI FPV lenses. These lenses allow you to view the world through your drone's camera as if you are standing right in front of it.

There are a number of reasons why you might want to use DJI FPV glass inserts. Perhaps you’re interested in capturing aerial footage for a promotional video or commercial project. Or, maybe you simply want to document your adventures while flying your drone.

Regardless of why you're interested in using DJI FPV glass lenses, there are a few things that you should know before getting started. First and foremost, these lenses require an onboard camera on your drone. Secondly, they require some technical expertise in order to operate properly. And lastly, they can be quite expensive.

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There are a few things to consider before deciding if you need DJI lenses:

Do you want to use an FPV camera?  If so, then you'll need a DJI lens. FPV cameras allow you to see what the drone is seeing directly on your screen, which is great for beginners who want to learn how to fly the aircraft. However, if all you want is regular footage that can be used for other purposes (like creating videos or photos), then a standard camera will work just fine without a DJI lens.

How detailed do you want your footage to be?  A high-quality DJI lens will give you sharper images and less jittering than those from a standard drone camera. However, depending on your skill level and flying style, some users find that the extra detail isn't necessary. 

 Most DJI drones come with an integrated camera that's good enough for most purposes. If you don't plan on using an FPV camera or if your existing drone camera is sufficient, then there's no need to spend money on a separate DJI lens.