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If you are unable to work due to an illness or injury, disability insurance can help protect your income. Disability insurance is a financial protection policy that pays you a portion of your income if you are unable to work due to an illness or injury.

When looking for the best disability insurance, it is important to compare policies from different providers to find the one that best suits your needs. You should consider the policy’s benefit period, coverage amount, waiting period, cost, and any riders or exclusions that may apply.

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The benefit period is the length of time you will receive disability payments. A longer benefit period may cost more but will allow you to receive payments for a longer period of time. The coverage amount is the amount of money you will receive when you are unable to work. The amount should be enough to cover your living expenses.

The waiting period is the length of time from when you become disabled until you start receiving payments. Most policies have a waiting period of 90 days. The cost of the policy will depend on the benefit period, coverage amount, and other factors.

When looking for the best disability insurance, it is important to read the policy carefully to make sure it meets your needs. You should also consider any riders or exclusions that may apply to the policy. Riders are special provisions that can be added to the policy to provide additional coverage, while exclusions are conditions that are not covered by the policy.

Disability insurance is an important protection that can help you maintain your lifestyle if you are unable to work. It is important to compare policies from different providers to find the one that best suits your needs.