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Finding the right party planning guide shouldn't be difficult. One of the hardest parts of organizing a good party is knowing how to host it. Every party is different, whether it's a surprise for a birthday, wedding, or even a Christmas party at the office. You don't want to be stuck doing the same thing over and over, it can be boring and turn guests off.

Your planning guide should start long before the party. Sit back and find out what themes you can use and what foods will be available to help you get started. To find out how much food to prepare, you need to write a guest list for a birthday beach party.

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When preparing your own food, you need to think about what food you will serve. There are lots of guides out there covering lots of different recipes, from appetizers to desserts. If you don't have time for all of this, you can always hire a caterer. 

The next step in your party planning guide is to book a reservation where the party is taking place. It is important to do this as soon as possible as the room may not be empty as the day draws near.

With that in mind, you can start your party planning guide online. You can find very good free planning guides just in case. There are websites with free invitation templates that you can download for free and planning guides that will walk you through the entire process step by step. If you're interested in partying for a living, there's even a full course for you.