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Separation anxiety can be worsened if you don't give your dog attention before you leave or when you return from work. This is something that many dog owners fail to realize. We, humans, are accustomed to saying goodbye and hello.

It can make your dog's anxiety worse and make it harder to manage his anxious feelings every time you leave the home. It is a good option to browse online to find a professional dog separation anxiety consultant or you can also navigate to to help your dog from these separation anxiety disorders

separation anxiety in dogs, treating dog separation anxiety

Here are the 3 ways that the consultant will tell you first to help your dog with separation anxiety:

  • Change your Daily Routine: Your dog's anxiety can be reduced by simply changing the way you get up in the morning. Before you go out with your bag and keys, take a seat on the couch and wait for the bus. The next day, change it. You can make your dog less anxious by changing his morning routine.
  • Do not associate yourself with your dog: It may seem difficult, but it is human nature to comfort our loved ones. You can reduce your dog's anxiety about separation by not paying attention to your dog after you return home. You can also help your dog by crate training them or placing him in a small area while you are gone.
  • Reduce the Time Your Dog Has to Wait: Try to extend the time you spend outside the house. Even if you only leave the house for a short time, it is possible to return after a while. This will make your dog less likely to expect you to leave the house or be gone for long periods of time.